Posts tagged Change Management
Rising to the Challenge of Leadership: Revisiting Kouzes and Posner Leadership Practices

I recently revisited the work of Kouzes and Posner and I’ve been considering the different meanings the simple title can take on. Is it the challenge (difficulty) of being a leader? Is it the challenge (opportunity) that we accept in becoming a leader? Is it the delicate balance of becoming, being, and evolving as a leader to the changing needs of our team, organization, and industry?

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Small Steps Lead to Big Change

Whether you're trying to make small changes to your routine, moving across the country, or starting a new career opportunity, varying levels of change will always come with their own set of challenges. Sometimes it comes unexpectedly, and in other cases, you are the one implementing the change into your own life. However, as we’ve seen in the past months, sometimes change is forced upon us.

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Leadership #NoFilter

When you think of leadership, how would you define a good leader? Many of us would use performative traits like: strong communication, excellent people skills, or being skilled in leading others toward and completing a common goal. While these are all things we hope to see on a leader’s resume, what would we want to see behind the scenes?

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Your Unique Expertise

Occasionally, I'll meet with an experienced professional who is hesitant about including some of their prior experience on their resume or talking about it in an interview. This could be experience from a prior career in a different industry, maybe something they did 5 to 10 years ago, or a small business that they run outside of their full-time career. I can appreciate the concern of including things that on the surface may not seem relevant to an employer. However, I firmly believe that your unique professional experience is what makes you stand out from the crowd.

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Being Intentional with Organizational Culture

Currently, 65% of American’s aged 45 and under rank organizational culture ahead of remuneration on their checklist for selecting employment opportunities. Personally, I favor a mixed culture approach – where there is a high degree of collaboration between employees – and where creativity and individuality are celebrated and encouraged.

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Where'd I put my resume again?

If you're like most job seekers, your job search happens while you're already at work. It probably starts, or restarts, on a really bad day. Maybe that project you have is just not getting traction, or perhaps your boss or coworkers are not the nicest bunch to be around, or maybe you’ve realized (or re-realized) that your organization is crumbling at the seams.

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Kicking Off A Change Initiative?

Change Management is the practice of looking at the whole system from inception to adoption by finding ways to ensure its success. The impact of change is often underestimated in misdiagnosed even before the formal project starts. It is important to start any potential change initiative by asking a series of questions with the intent to deeply understand the core of the issue and not accepting quick answers that might fit a preset narrative.

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